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缓冲器 工业气弹簧-拉型

发布时间:2020-06-02 点击数:524


如果由于空间原因无法安装ACE推式气弹簧,则可以选择使用ACE拉式气弹簧。 根据推进式气体弹簧的相反工作原理,15至40mm的形状直径用作拉伸方向的有效辅助。 活塞杆被气缸压力拉回,例如当盖子关闭时有助于提供手动力。 ACE拉式气弹簧也是一体式封闭结构,免维护和安装。 它还有一个调节气压的阀门,可以覆盖30到5,000 N.它可以安装在任何位置,并有各种DIN标准附件,各种型号可以与推式气弹簧一起使用。

If the ACE push gas spring cannot be installed due to space reasons, you can choose to use the ACE pull gas spring. According to the opposite working principle of the propellant gas spring, a shape diameter of 15 to 40 mm is used as an effective aid for the stretching direction. The piston rod is pulled back by the cylinder pressure, for example to help provide hand power when the lid is closed. The ACE pull-type gas spring is also an integrated enclosed structure that is maintenance-free and installable. It also has a valve that regulates air pressure and can cover from 30 to 5,000 N. It can be mounted in any position and has various DIN standard accessories, which can be used with push gas springs.

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