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ACE缓冲器 工业油压缓冲器

发布时间:2019-09-23 点击数:333

工业液压减震器用作液压机的组件,最小反作用力是阻止移动负载的运动。 ACE Buffer的特点是尖端创新,例如活塞管和滚动隔膜密封。 因此,ACE工业液压缓冲器在吸收高能量时具有最长的使用寿命。 ACE工业液压缓冲器操作简便,使用灵活,并提供多种附件供您选择。

Industrial oil pressure buffer

Industrial hydraulic shock absorbers are used as components of hydraulic presses, and the minimum reaction force is to prevent movement of the moving load. ACE Buffer features cutting-edge innovations such as piston tubes and rolling diaphragm seals. As a result, ACE industrial hydraulic shock absorbers have the longest life when absorbing high energy. ACE Industrial Hydraulic Buffers are easy to operate, flexible to use, and available in a variety of accessories.

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